Inspo: Oceanside Mornings

It often frustrates me when I cannot capture a scene on camera how I intend to, more than visually it is about the way it makes me feel.

This moment here is not the case.

This scene is enticing in my eyes, la luz y sombra que se manifiestan en ella, las palmas que cuelgan desde arriba, el azul del mar y lo redondo de las piedras. Las manos que entrelazaron y anudaron el hilo para crear un objeto que te envuelve y suspende, las historias que nacieron, se cuajaron o desvanecieron en este lugar.

Maybe it’s about the mornings I’ve spent sitting contemplating this scene.


I feel the saltwater air on my skin, curls moving in the wind, the rising of the sun, deep breaths of cool air before the coastal heat sets in.
The rumble of my hungry stomach patient - but excitedly waiting for my huevitos con frijoles, platanitos y crema 🤍

Cartas de amor pal alma mía

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